NABA Summer Courses


NABA Summer Courses 2008 SOLD OUT
Please visit our website next Fall to discover NABA Summer Courses 2009!

NABA is an Academy of Arts and Design which was established in 1980 by a group of artists, among whom Guido Ballo, Gianni Colombo, Lucio Del Pezzo, Emilio Isgrò, Tito Varisco, Luigi Veronesi, who aimed at challenging the rigid academic tradition by introducing new visions and languages closer to contemporary artistic practice and the creative professions.
NABA education integrates the more traditional disciplines of visual representation with the new digital technologies and the critical-project culture of Italian Design.
The foundation of NABA educational philosophy lies in applying art to a project, in synthesizing creative and practical abilities and in reaching a perfect balance between critical methodological and technical-manual knowledge.
NABA training programs are based on a cross-disciplinary method aimed at developing artistic-professional skills and profiles in the fields of art, design, fashion, media and graphic design.
This approach derives from continuous experimentation, a strong vocation for research, a close relationship with the artistic and productive environment and a focus on the ethical dimension of education.

NABA offers a wide choice of Summer Courses: Introduction and Studio level courses, open to students with a high school diploma and from first and second year of university.
The Summer Courses proposes a wide and updated synthesis of NABA's know-hows, giving a view of the most significant trends of the market, of industrial creation processes, of artistic and social expression, of Design, Fashion, Graphic and Communication, together with the opportunity to experiment a topical project theme, under the guidance of important professionals and in co-operation with big companies.

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